What's New?

Innovation - BiblioTech's Project Management Team provides a "Renaissance" blend of expertise and problem solving skills providing unique solutions. BiblioPlanTM Relocation Software, an innovative tool to implement innovative ideas!

Diversity - BiblioTech's range of experience in a variety of disciplines allows us to perform many of the tasks normally performed by your professional staff. Preservation tasks, cleaning/mold/mildew removal, barcode production and application, security stripping, collection reclassification/conversion as well as traditional "moving" services.

Capacity - Is your organization suffering from Staff Reductions due to Budget Constraints? BiblioTech excels in large and complex projects traditionally performed by in-house staff. If the size of your project exceeds the capacity of your staff, BiblioTech can provide quality individuals to perform to your standards.

Quality - BiblioTech cares as much about your project and your materials as you do!

$ Value - Call BiblioTech for cost analysis of your project- Let us find a way to provide you with a better result for less money, less aggravation, less organizational down-time and negative impact on patrons, staff and materials