Specialists in Academic, Public, Corporate and Industrial
Support Services
BiblioTech's philosophy for library services is based on thorough and
extensive planning, preparation and performance. These are the fundamentals
for an efficient, error free project that is on time and on budget.
During the planning process, we quantify and qualify your project before
the first step is taken. Meetings with your personnel and department heads,
measurement and compilation of collections, development of integration
or segregation scenarios, final co llection layouts and comprehensive
project schedule are all part of the service provided by our project managers,
inventory clerks, computer specialist and staff librarian.
BiblioTech's priorities are proper collection handling and sequence
accuracy first; performance and productivity second.
The systems and procedures used on our projects are designed to keep
the tightest controls on collection sequencing, security and the overall
project process while allowing the management team to constantly monitor
handling technique and productivity.
BiblioTech's employees are given extensive orientation and training
and incentive bonuses for proper handling procedure, meeting 100% accuracy
requirements and exceeding daily productivity standards.
Because 100% accuracy and 0% damage is the priority, productivity standards
vary with the type and condition of collections, building constraints
and whether or not trucking is required. Productivity standards for special
collections are significantly les s than for regular circulating collections
because of the high value and fragile nature of the materials.
For the actual, physical execution of your project, BiblioTech utilizes
a task specific, mass-production, assembly line system loosely based on
manufacturing principles developed by the automobile industry. Manpower
is divided and assigned to one of sev eral "teams" that are responsible
for specific project tasks simultaneously.
Crew make-up is dictated by the specific requirements of your project.
Projects requiring complex tasks such as Reclassification/Retrospective
Conversion, Integration, etc are staffed with a high percentage of MLS,
Library Tech and Computer Special ists. Preservation &Cleaning projects
are staffed with individuals with that background. Projects requiring
furniture installation, shelving installation, Specialized Rigging Services,
are assigned experts from those disciplines. Library Relocation P rojects
are staffed with individuals extensively trained in the professional and
efficient handling of library materials- all formats. Levels of supervision
in all projects is uniformly high.
Each crew member is assigned a specific, quantifiable job in your project
which allows BiblioTech to set damage/error free productivity quotas and
monitor performance throughout the process. Applying these productivity
standards to collection quantities a nd building constraints allows us
to set the crew size and create the project schedule accordingly.
We take great pride in our work, our national reputation and on being
the standard of excellence in
library relocation and support services.